natural approach, there are a number of at-home


The most easily accessible treatment option is a topical cream such as a ceramide or antifungal. Topical ointments are designed to penetrate the skin barrier to fight off the inflammatory response and rebuild your damaged skin. They provide much needed relief from the irritation if used properly. However, topical creams are not permanent fixes to the problem at hand. They require constant application to completely fight the problem, and stopping usage could take you right back to where you started. Consult your doctor to see if a prescription treatment is necessary for your case.

Doctors can also prescribe an oral medication to tackle chronic inflammation from the inside. These include an antihistamine to combat allergic reactions or an antibiotic to treat infections. Oral solutions often provide quicker, longer lasting relief. However, they can also have unwanted side effects such as upset stomach, fatigue, etc. Keep an eye on any new symptoms and adjust your treatment with your health professional.

If you’re looking for a cheaper, more natural approach, there are a number of at-home remedies you can try. Fair warning, these are pretty hit or miss if you’re opting for a DIY solution. One common treatment uses tea tree oil, applying a small amount to a sample area first to monitor your skin’s reaction. Then, once determined safe, apply to the affected area. Remember with essential oils, a little bit goes a long way.

Stress can be a major factor contributing to inflammation and lack of relief from treatments. You may need to consider lifestyle changes as the source of your problems. Stress can cause hives, rashes, and other chronic conditions if not managed properly. Don’t fall victim to this madness!

For temporary relief while you explore the different treatment approaches, try a cold compress and wearing soft, loose clothing to minimize ongoing irritation. If you use cosmetics, avoid any endocrine disrupting chemicals that can further inflame the skin.


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